Demographic characteristics and Variety Seeking as Moderation on Relationship between Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Switching Intention (Case Study on Telkomsel subscribers in Makassar)

Demographic characteristics and Variety Seeking as Moderation on Relationship between Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Switching Intention (Case Study on Telkomsel subscribers in Makassar) Abstrack - This study aims to determine the role of demographic characteristics and variety seeking as moderation on the relationship ...

Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity

Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing  Customer-Based  Brand Equity Abstrack -  The  author   presents a conceptual  model   of  brand  equity   from   the  perspective of the  individual  consumer. Custom...

The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty

The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty Abstract - Building and maintaining brand loyalty are one of the central themes of research for marketers for a very long time. Marketer...
